The ninth graders embarked on an exciting journey to Las Estacas from the 16th of October to the 19th. From water activities to community service, everyone had a chance to be with their friends and have a wonderful time. Las Estacas is located in Morelos and it’s a beautiful place, filled with spectacular views and a gorgeous river.

The bus ride was about two and a half hours long. After the tiring journey, the students enjoyed a big and tasty breakfast, before enjoying all the river activities with friends. Later that day, there was a rally, which consisted of each advisory passing a series of challenges together and finishing before the other teams. That night there was a game called “Toma Todo,” in which the students had lots of fun with activities and competing against the other teams.

During the 17th and 18th of October, different groups of students went to a kindergarten and a refugee school to start a painting project and bring color to the schools. The students painted games, sidelines, and images to decorate the schools. My group went to the kindergarten, and not only was it something nice to do, but it was also fun having the opportunity to paint and be creative. If your team wasn’t doing community service, you stayed in Las Estacas and enjoyed water activities there. The second night, we got to roast some tasty marshmallows.

On the afternoon of the third day, students from another school came to Las Estacas, and we played soccer and volleyball. We also got the opportunity to go to the store, in which students could get snacks and souvenirs to enjoy. After dinner, there was a disco with music and lights. It was lots of fun and many students had a great time dancing and singing to the music.

This journey was coming to an end when we woke up on the last day, had breakfast, packed our bags, enjoyed a delicious snack, and boarded the buses for the long journey ahead of us. We were all tired and sad to go home but happy for the great time we had in Las Estacas and for strengthening the bonds with our friends in this amazing experience.
Below are a few photos of Las Estacas.