ASF, Oct.17-20, After the long puente, it was finally time for THE SPIRIT WEEK, where all bears of ASF get creative and unite together to cheer for our school. This Spirit Week went like this: Tuesday - Pajama Day, Wednesday - Dress as Your Ideal Type Day, Thursday - Throwback Thursday, and Friday - Homecoming! Dress Codes, foods, and events were chosen for each day for our fellow bears of the community.
Tuesday was time for some cozy hot cocoas, donuts, and cookies. It was ‘Pajama Day’! “Wear your most comfortable pajamas and get ready for some pillow fight at the US blacktop during lunch!” The announcement was made and it was ultimately the moment to get into your homey-zone and fight some pillows. The rules of the game were simple: whoever steps their foot outside the mat first or whoever drops their pillow first loses. The goal was to push the opponent to the edge of the mat. The fight was so dynamic that the pillows popped into the air and exploded. Games between STUCO vs STUCO (Luisa vs Cons), Tamara Martinez vs Juan Pablo Del Moral, and David Nae vs Alejandro Mariscal occurred.

Pillow fight photo taken by Alexis Canasi
Rugby player? Basketball Player? Ballerina? Crop top? What’s my ideal type? That is the question. Wednesday was ‘Dress as Your Ideal Type Day’. It was the day where students got to dress up as their crush. Backward caps, sportswear, tight skirts, and crop tops were seen all around the school. The event of the day was ‘The Trivia Battle’. Easy but hard questions were asked and the person that answered late, got a whole bunch of shaving cream on their head. Some of the questions were: what is cynophobia?, what is the name of the World’s largest ocean?, which is the only edible food that never goes bad? Class of 2026 Stuco President Zamarron showed up with some off-the-shoulder clothes and answered questions, winning himself a can of shaving cream on his head.

Dress as your type day outfits photo taken by Alexis Canasi
The 70s. 80s. 90s. The legendary 20th century. But no memories about it. Thursday was the day to make some evidence of nostalgic vibes. The ‘Throwback Thursday’ was the day to live as generation Y and live through the century we missed out on. Karaoke was the day’s event. There was nothing more than music to bring back the sentimental feeling of the past. Songs such as ‘Mama Mia’ and ‘I Want It That Way’ were played on the blacktop.

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“We are the Bears~!” Friday, 20th of October, Homecoming. The day where all athletes come out from their shadows. During the Pep Rally after all the classes ended, every sport team bloomed out into the WEC. Sensational musics were turned on and starting with the junior volleyball team, came out all of the other varsity and junior teams with their captains. During the pep rally the golden chancla was given to the loudest generation and the winner was…the SENIORS! When the pep rally was over, it was time for some boys basketball and boys soccer. “Defense! Defense!” The ASF basketball team showed stunning performance by beating Los Borregos from TEC Toluca 65-52. Next was volleyball and girls soccer. The volleyball team won 3 games against TEC Santa Fe with 26-24 in the first game, 25-15 in the second, and 25-15 in the third. At 5 o’clock, it was the girls basketball team’s turn. Although it was a loss for the girl’s team, their sweating effort shined in the asf community and we hope you have lots of luck next time! At the same time, the HoCo Court was happening in the upper school field. Each generation’s STUCO ran to the field and shouted the winners, who were voted by the fellow students. Freshmen's knight and lady were…Paul Weisberg and Camila Farr! Sophomore’s duke and duchess were…Sergio Pico and Alexa Fernandez! Junior’s prince and princess were…Santiago Amador and Cons de Ajuria! Lastly…the Senior’s king and queen were…Emi de la Macorra and Macarena Garcia! Beautiful sashes were finally handed to their owner’s neck. Last but not least, it was the football team’s turn. Unfortunately, they lost 24-3 in favor of Linces Toluca but it was an amusing game that decorated an ending for our 2023 Homecoming. Feeling like a long but a quick day, HoCo ended with cheers, applause, and another memory to be saved.

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