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Is Love In the Air, or Is It In the Hands of the Ladies?

Lola Rabkin and Soyul Bae

ASF, Feb.13-14 The basket boy bid happened the day before Valentine's, and the excitement was evident. The Basket Boy event was inspired by the 2010 movie Flipped, where the school chose the character Bryce as one of the guys for their annual Basket Boy event, where they get money for charity. In the movie, the girls who win the baskets win a date with one of the boys.

At lunch on February 13th, people could bid on this year's basket boys. The ladies of each generation picked three guys from each generation. Each person could bid on the basket they liked the most, each stating the likes and dislikes of each of the 12 candidates. 

The bidding started with our school’s youngest: the freshman basketboys Jero Moreno, Emilio Quintana, and Santiago Peralta. Starting with Jero, whose basket was won by Natalia for 100 pesos, Emilio bid on by Vera for 100 pesos, and Santiago with Sofia Nankin for 400 pesos.

Our sophomore basketboy Rafa Kalach was bid on by our freshmen STUCO Mia Coor for 250 pesos, Andrés Serrano by Romina Torres for 1000 pesos, and Gerry Núñez going on a date with Karen Alonso for 700 pesos.

The junior generation candidates were Mateo Alvarez, bid by Andrea Pushkart with 2000 pesos, Francisco del Rio with 200 pesos by Xaviera Manzano, and Marco Jourdain with 1000 pesos by Maria Pasquel.

Lastly, our school Senior Boys: Eduardo Kuri, whose basket amounted to 700 pesos by Julia Cervera, Gero Agiss with 850 pesos bid on by Juli Vadillo, and the highest bidding was Gon Perezalonso, bid on by Nicole Porter for 3000 pesos! 

Due to the exciting atmosphere at the bidding, the event made a total of 10,300 pesos! The money made on each basket was then used by the guys for their Valentine's Day dates, buying the girls who bid on them all kinds of treats. 

On Valentine's Day, the dates began! During Office hours, the date activities that the boys picked started. Activities such as cooking classes and ceramics were some of the most popular. All dates enjoyed special treats such as pizza, pasta, and hamburgers at lunch.

All thanks to STUCO, the First Basketboy Bid Event was a success, creating excitement and an environment filled with school spirit. We look forward to the 2nd Auction!

The representative for each grade! Photos by Constanza Soto Hay


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