At ASF, most Seniors are presented with the choice of two seemingly divergent life paths: pushing yourself into a good university and a bright career abroad, or staying in one of Mexico’s top universities and indulging in the country.
In this school, there are those who devote their entire lives to their classes, sports, leadership positions, and homework. There are those who pull all-nighters and don’t have the time to go out to parties simply because they are too focused on the summative they’ll have in a couple of days. There are those who already have their essays and standardized tests ready to send to a myriad of colleges, and a lot more of those who are rushing to finish these or are just getting started.
All this sounds stressful, but who says this will not lead to happiness? Who says the stress is not more of a thrill for these people?
There are those who never aspired to leave anyway. There are those of us who either know that they’ll be more successful here or simply are more focused on planning Kanos and Eurotrips. Those of us who decided that el ITAM and la Ibero would offer us more than any other place in the world, those of us who love Mexico too much to leave.
Some may say that this is lazy, but who says this will not lead to a successful life? Who determines what success is?
But then, there are those who push themselves because they’ve been subconsciously pressured to aspire to leave a country they love. There are those who think of leaving the country to study abroad simply because that’s what other people aspire to or because their parents push them toward these goals. There are those who aspire to study abroad simply because ASF romanticizes it. There are those who pick a university because of the ranking and not because they think they’ll enjoy their time there.
There are those who abuse their freedoms, who simply let life pass them by while their “curiosity” leads them to ungodly places. Those who wish they pushed themselves harder and feel despair when they don’t get where they want to be.
Neither of these will lead you to happiness. Who knows if that’ll lead you to success?
Then, there are those who one day realize that what they aspired to become or where they aspired to get isn’t exactly what they wanted, and then pursue their real interests. There are those that get home and with relief realize that they would rather stay in the country they love and have lived in their whole life than study abroad. There are those who one day will receive their acceptance letters and realize that everything they did that led up to that moment was truly worth it. There are those who will one day finally realize that they want a break from pushing themselves and will take a gap year that will lead to amazing adventures.
This is true happiness. This is success.
Excellence and happiness are presented as an oxymoron. But they’re not.
At the end of the day, you don’t have to choose right now. You will forever be able to change paths and prioritize greatness over happiness or happiness over greatness.
You don’t have to choose the best path. How can your path be better than mine?
You don’t even have to choose at all. You can have both greatness and happiness, and you can have none.
What matters is that it’s your choice and that you’re satisfied with it. Do not let your parents or other’s expectations determine one of the most critical decisions of your life. Do you want to be happy, great, or both?
Happiness is a matter of perspective; so is success. Do you feel successful? Are you happy?
Dear Seniors, best of luck in the following months. Don’t forget that even if this is the most important decision of your life so far, this decision isn’t going to determine the rest of your life.